big meetup 1st October

Our first meetup of the year is arranged for this Wednesday, 1st October, in Fraser Noble F03. It’s for all members and anyone who wants to join, there’s gonna be free pizza and drinks, and we’ll be holding a minor election for new committee members as well as throwing around ideas for what to do this year.

Turn up, or no pizza.

New links and forums

Godless buddies:

We now have a forum! You can get to it at . Sign yourselves up for accounts, start debates, talk about whether Christopher Hitchens secretly loves cute puppy dogs, etc. Enjoy.

Also, I expanded our blogroll and site directory, so get out your RSS readers and bookmark editors.


New site in development

Godless buddies –

This is the new AUSHAS blog and website, still in development. I’ve also got us a custom domain,, which is hopefully going to be hooked up by the end of this week if I can figure out how, and there’s a lot more to come, like a forum, committee profiles, etc. Mail any changes you desperately want to a.mason.06 via Studentmail.